Middle-Age Caught In Middle of Care For Kids and Parents

When we reach middle-age, life can become overwhelming, taking care of kids, maintaining home chores, career demands, assisting in the care of aging parents, along with multiple to-do lists for daily life. It is everyday life “adulting” many walk every day.
One of the key things to remember when this starts to happen, you cannot do it all on your own. Even if you have superhuman strength, you are going to need help and answers. When you have the right resources and information, you can get this through this time with peace of mind.
Organizations like Hurley Medical Center are implementing programs to help families in desperate need of help and answers. From Hurley’s Child Life Program or the HELP Program, designed to assist senior recovery with proactive volunteers.
Remember you are not alone. Others have walked this road before you and can help. If you are on this path, it is worth checking out Cup of Kudos Podcast streaming on iTunes and Cup of Kudos on Youtube. Scan the code below or visit our Youtube page Cup of Kudos or search hashtags #CupOfKudos or #KudosCaregivers
Make sure you check out our website cupofkudos.com, we will be sharing insight for caregivers. Caregiving For The Caregiver will be the focus this upcoming week. We hope these little pockets of wisdom help for your journey toward healthy, happy living.

Heartfelt smiles,